Monday, February 21, 2011

Music and Movies: A Winning Combination (I got links, kid)

Everyday people are coming up to me on the streets saying things like, "Mark, when are you going to blog again?" or "Your writing is the best thing since sliced bread" and of course I will always remember when a sweet old lady came up to me and said "Listen puke, if you don't hit us off with another blog someone close to you will be abducted" Well, I certainly can't let that happen. So here goes nothing.

Two things that I am very interested in are music and film. I spend many hours either listening to music or watching movies and television. Music and film are great as separate entities, but to me the most memorable film scenes are when they are combined. I love when Film asks Music out on a date and Music has too many glasses of wine and gives it up to Film. Oops, Music is pregnant and in nine months out pops a beautiful movie trailer that has both of their best features.

A movie trailer paired with right song or songs gets me so pumped up to go see the movie. I wanted to point out some trailers that have grabbed me over the years. Try not to get hung up on whether you liked the movie or not, treat the trailer separately. I will continue to search for these so I could see this becoming a recurring blog unless everyone hates it.

Zach Snyder (director of 300) does a great a job of incorporating music in his films and trailers. The first one is the Watchmen trailer paired with the Smashing Pumpkins -The Beginning is the End is the Beginning.

Snyder has a new movie coming out in March called Sucker Punch. The trailer features  two songs. When the Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin and Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups.

The Social Network had two different trailers with different songs. Both made me want to see it before it got Oscar Buzz.  The first one is a cover of Creep by Radiohead and the second is with Power by Kanye West.

Here's two war related trailers:

Stop Loss opens with Drowning Pool's Let the Bodies Hit the Floor and transitions into Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol. Two drastically different songs matched perfectly.

and Jarhead featuring Jesus Walks by Kanye West

Even video game trailers are starting to employ this tactic. I've almost bought the game Dante's Inferno just based on the fact the trailer was paired with Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine. The game could completely suck for all I know. Here's the trailer.

Here's two other video game trailers that grabbed me. Modern Warfare 2 paired with Eminem's Til I Collapse and Dead Space 2 paired with Smashing Pumpkins' Bullet with Butterfly Wings.

Having a song you know unexpectedly show up in a movie can really change your perception of either the movie or the song like in Donnie Darko (song ends at the mark).

I have either went out of my way to purchase a song I heard in a movie or I now listen to a song I already own and had forgotten about regularly because it popped up in movie I was watching. I'm all out of links but here's a few examples:

Audioslave - Shadow of the Sun                    Collateral       

The Pixies - Where Is My Mind?                 Fight Club

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Strip My Mind      The Fighter

There has to be other people out there that also geek-out about this stuff like me. Let me know of any music/film collaborations that grab you.

Seeing it's President's day, I will close with a famous quote from Abraham Lincoln.

"Music and Film, whatever you do, do not stop banging each other."

1 comment:

  1. Katie says "tru dat Capo"

    Steve says "awesome stuff, i geeked out for sure"
