Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm going blog you so good, you're going to wish I didn't blog you so good

Let's get started shall we?

This is my first official blog so I expect it to be terrible. OK good your expectations are lowered. By the end of this read I want you to say to yourself  "Well, I was expecting absolute garbage and it was only just kind of lousy." Think of it like a movie that by all accounts is bad but every time its on basic cable you will watch it (ex. Bad Boys).

So what can you expect from my blog. Well, you can definitely expect me to rant incessantly about any random topic that is scratching at my brain, hence the title of the blog. You can also expect me to keep a self-deprecating feel to the blog as the previous paragraph clearly shows. You shouldn't be ripping everybody under the sun without ripping yourself from time to time. Finally, I promise to always blog in the nude, now that is one thing I absolutely cannot compromise on.

So I should probably show a picture of myself so you all know who you are dealing with. This is me.

Mark Capobianco

How's that mental picture of me nude-blogging doing for you?

At the risk of alienating myself from my potential readers I wanted to include a list of my likes and dislikes. Many posts may come from either of these lists in the future. If you dont agree with my lists thats ok we can still be friends.

Likes: Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwiches, the 3 Major Sports (Sorry Hockey), Keanu Reeves, Real World/Road Rules Challenges, Drinking hard alcohol only when watching Mad Men, When exercising is over, Warm Climates, Good TV (The Wire, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire), Eggs Over Easy, Wheat Beers, A wide variety of music, & the Red Sox Off-Season signings

Dislikes: Onions, Nascar, Poor movie role choices, Motion sickness, Winter, Nickleback, Racism (I know racism is in again but I'm not going succumb to peer pressure), the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry, Nancy Grace, Terrible sports broadcasting, Terry Francona's voice, Drunk guys who like to talk at the urinal & Larry the Cable Guy.

In conclusion, read my blog. It will change your life I promise. Actually you might only get a chuckle out of it once in a while. Who knows. 

Also feel free to check out my twitter feed


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